Royal Activities
HM King Mohammed VI Addresses Message to Participants in International Symposium to Commemorate 75th UDHR Anniversary
1 year agoon
His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist Him, addressed a message to participants in an international symposium in Rabat on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, under the theme “30 Commitments for Human Dignity: Is the Universal Humanist Ideal Unattainable?”
Here follows the integrity of the Royal Message, delivered by the President of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), Amina Bouayach:
“Praise be to Allah,
May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith, and Kin,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We have the honor, first of all, to welcome the participants in this international symposium of which Rabat, the Kingdom’s capital, is hosting the work on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDH).
Morocco’s celebration, like the rest of the countries of the world, of this singular and decisive international event in the history of humanity, marks the importance that we constantly attach to the promotion of human rights. in our country, in all its aspects, both as culture and practice.
On this occasion, We are pleased that this symposium is organized at the invitation of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), in commemoration of this Universal Declaration which is based on the principles of the protection of rights and freedoms and which enshrines universal values and inherent human rights. This founding Charter still constitutes a universal reference to realize the expectations of people who aspire to freedom, dignity, equality, security and stability.
Intellectual deliberations and balanced and in-depth debates engaged by a host of personalities from diverse backgrounds will undeniably punctuate the work of this leading meeting. Major questions will thus be asked, likely to crystallize new perceptions and provide answers that will breathe new life into the commitment made in favor of human rights, in interaction with multilateralism.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The importance of the conference which brings you together today arises from the imperative need to recall, once again, the need to renew a universal commitment to the protection of the rights of individuals and communities, more particularly those of categories in situations of of precariousness. This requirement is all the more necessary as we live in a world agitated by tensions and recurring violations in contradiction with the universal founding principles and ideals of the Declaration.
This celebration also constitutes an opportune moment to take stock of the achievements in this area, identify the failures and anomalies which have marred the process of safeguarding the achievements as well as the challenges which, to date, prevent the international community from promoting, in a global manner, issues relating to human rights.
Faced with these challenges, Morocco has chosen to forge its own path in terms of human rights. Through this specific and constantly evolving path, he has left his mark on international experiences in this field.
Indeed, the commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco to the promotion of human rights at the national level is not limited to their simple constitutional consecration; it also becomes a pillar of public policies and an essential parameter to take into account in strategic choices, whether economic, social, cultural or environmental.
Our immutable attachment to the defense and consecration of these rights is matched only by Our unwavering determination to continue the work of consolidating and perfecting the rule of law and strengthening institutions, as voluntary and sovereign choice. Likewise, We strive to consolidate these achievements, concomitantly with Our continued interaction with new developments in human rights, both at the national level and within the framework of the UN human rights system.
Despite the achievements made in the area of human rights and despite what we are already completing in this area, its essential importance and the serious work it requires calls for increased commitment from all of us. This resolute action will make it possible, while respecting national specificities and constants, to achieve what is urgent in the present and to anticipate what is possible in the future. It should also be kept in mind that these political and civil rights will only take on their full meaning if they are linked to the promotion of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.
It is in this spirit that Morocco inaugurated some time ago a new stage marked by structural reforms, which we considered appropriate to place at the top of the priorities of our public policies. This is particularly the case for the generalization of health coverage, social protection and support for vulnerable categories. This societal project guarantees effective access to social and health services and strengthens the pillars of the national solidarity system.
Furthermore, in order to revise the Family Code, two decades after its adoption, we called for the launch of broad consultations with the different components of society, so as to safeguard the rights of women and children and to preserve the interests of the family, considered the core of society. In this reform, the values and principles of justice, equality, solidarity and harmony drawn from the Muslim religion will be taken into consideration, just as the mechanism of ijtihad (effort to interpret texts) will be implemented. religious) in its constructive aspect, in order to ensure alignment with new developments in human rights and related universal values.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The world has been confronted with several issues linked to the universality of human rights, in particular to the various positions taken on the particularities and culture of each country. The opinions and discussions undertaken internationally have concluded that there is a need to value the variety of cultures as a right of every human being, since the specificities do not prevent the full enjoyment of fundamental rights.
From this perspective, and relying on the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international community has succeeded in developing conventions and protocols, some of which are binding and others are not. The ultimate goal is to find common ground to prevent the tragedies caused by wars and divisions from recurring and forms of aggression and displacement from resurfacing.
However, any response to current challenges that transcend borders cannot be designed without an effective contribution from the States of the South to the development of approaches allowing the application of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the articles of two International Covenants or those of the relevant international Conventions. This approach will make it possible to implement rights and propose best practices likely to provide innovative solutions, to ultimately ensure the effectiveness of human rights. This is what the Kingdom of Morocco constantly defends or proposes as part of its advocacy action, aiming to resolve disputes as well as to stimulate a dynamic of cooperation and solidarity with a view to establish security, peace and stability.
Today, your honorable assembly commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in a context marked by tensions and dangers which threaten the security, stability and prosperity of peoples. We take this opportunity to draw attention to the fact that the international community has not yet succeeded in implementing all of the principles set out in this Declaration. Consequently, it is urgent, even imperative, to continue to think about the most effective ways to ensure their effectiveness.
May Allah guide your steps and crown your work with success.
Wassalamou alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakatouh”.
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