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HM King Mohammed VI Addresses Message to Members of Kingdom of Morocco Academy



HM King Mohammed VI and HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan

HM King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist Him, addressed a message to the members of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, on the occasion of the opening, on November 22 in Rabat, of the first session of this prestigious institution, under its new configuration, chaired by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan.

Here follows a translation of the Royal Message, read out by the Permanent Secretary of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Abdeljalil Lahjomri:

“Praise be to Allah,

May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith, and Kin

Distinguished Members of the Academy,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are very proud to address this message to you today, at this opening session of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco in its new format. This opening session is not just a continuation of past activity; rather We want it to be an exceptional stage in the journey of this time-honored and prestigious national institution, which boasts a great reputation and influence.

Continuity entails pursuing the work launched by this national academic flagship and perpetuating its significant contributions. Founded with the aim of building a major civilizational model, the Academy has been built on a scientific, intellectual, and cultural program successfully developed and implemented by a plethora of intellectuals and scholars from different backgrounds and academic disciplines. By the grace of the Almighty, that objective was accomplished in the Academy’s previous phases, thereby attesting to the relevance and pertinence of those programs and activities.

Our intention is to give the Academy a new, more vigorous impetus, by providing it with far more ambitious objectives, and by encouraging it to become more involved in terms of planning, organization, projection, and influence. In this regard, We are as ambitious as Our unshakeable faith in your ability to face this challenge and achieve this ultimate goal.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you know, the world is experiencing radical transformations in all areas, with cultural ties and intellectual exchanges being strengthened and inter-civilizational dialogue reinforced. As a result, greater importance is attached to exposure to the world’s cultures and the establishment of a society based on knowledge. For Morocco, renowned for its position as a crossroads of cultures and civilizations, embarking on this dynamic and establishing itself as a key player is no surprise.

It, therefore, comes as no surprise that the eminent institution of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, founded in 1977 at the initiative of Our Venerable Father, the late His Majesty King Hassan II, may Allah rest his soul, has become a leading institution for the promotion of thought, scientific research and a privileged space for cultural exchange between continents. A hub for the development of intellectual capacities and academic skills in the humanities and social sciences, it contributes to research progress and the preservation of the Kingdom’s centuries-old historical and civilizational heritage.

We have been working since 2015 to improve the Academy’s operational structures and renew its organizational architecture, enabling it to carry out its missions to its fullest potential. These efforts have been carried out in full accordance with the aims and provisions of the Kingdom’s Constitution, which seeks to preserve our national identity, taking into account its Arab-Islamic, Amazigh, Saharan-Hassanian components and its African, Andalusian, Hebrew, and Mediterranean tributaries. The Academy is committed to promoting the Kingdom’s scientific and cultural influence, and to reflecting on the problems and issues of the modern world.

Given these facts, We decided to give the Academy a new impetus with a fresh vision and new structures, integrating new members and assigning projects and programs closely aligned with our own identity, and open to international cultural expertise in line with new themes.

The new organizational architecture that We have chosen to equip your esteemed institution with will enable it to ensure rational management of its organs and improve its efficiency and influence. Enshrined in Our Dahir of February 2021, it provides for the integration, within the Academy, of the Royal Institute for Research on the History of Morocco, the establishment of the Higher Academic Authority for Translation, the Academic Institute of the Arts, and the Foundation of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco for Cultural Cooperation. This restructuring aims to tackle the challenges facing the knowledge society.

Alongside the promotion of historical knowledge and the renovation of research methods on Moroccan heritage and history, these bodies must pay particular attention to translation and the arts, both of which are renowned for their central role in emphasizing the contributions of Moroccan thought to contemporary knowledge.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Ever since the Academy was given this new impetus, it has focused on organizing academic colloquia to explore new horizons in the fields of knowledge, economics, and geostrategy. Several editions were dedicated to Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Mediterranean.

Beyond its constant interest in safeguarding and promoting Moroccan heritage and honoring illustrious figures of Moroccan thought, the Academy has established a chair dedicated to African arts and literature, another to Andalusia, and a third to comparative literature. The objective is to reinforce the cognitive skills of youth as part of the support project for doctoral students enrolled in Moroccan universities, a project to which We attach particular interest. Indeed, We are firmly convinced that social progress is indissociable from cultural renewal and the necessary broadening of academic horizons to embrace the young talents’ creative potential. In this respect, creative and innovative youth in the use and production of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences, languages, sciences, literature, and the arts constitute the backbone of human capital.

In order to carry out its noble mission in the best conditions, the Academy has reorganized its structures: an initiative that We welcome, given its valuable contribution to the Kingdom’s scientific, intellectual, and civilizational influence. The Academy will thus pursue its role as a crossroads for dialogue, a space for encounters between eminent intellectuals and renowned scientists from a wide range of specialties and interests. It will also be able to fully embrace its role as a forum for the exchange of views on contemporary issues.

Mindful of the multidisciplinary mandate of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, We have appointed new academicians, both Moroccan and foreign, considering their diverse backgrounds, complementary specialties, broad expertise, and proven experience.

We extend a warm welcome to them and congratulate them on their appointment to this prestigious academic institution. We are convinced that you will all contribute to spreading its influence in the knowledge milieu, enabling it to fully fulfill its role as an awareness-raising instrument and a lever for development.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to the honorary members who, through their scientific work and intellectual achievements, have contributed to fulfilling the Academy’s ultimate goals.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Modern societies are subject to rapid, intertwined socio-economic and cultural change. If they are to evolve, they must embrace change rather than inertia. In this sense, the accumulation and integration of knowledge, and building bridges between scientific disciplines, are the key to achieving virtuous progress that preserves the nation’s identity, protects it from potential perils, and cultivates its constructive diversity and intellectual pluralism.

Needless to say, the development of societies is intrinsically linked to intellectual and cultural revival and the emergence of a climate conducive to the production of knowledge. And for such an environment to thrive, it has to contribute to the dynamics of civilization.

By the grace of the Almighty, Morocco boasts a rich and diverse cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, which has enabled it to occupy a prime position among the world’s nations in terms of the cultural landmarks registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

In its three decades of operation, the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco has strengthened its unique presence both inside and outside the country, contributing substantial reflections on the central importance of values in shaping human life.

We therefore welcome the choice of “The Family and the Crisis of Values” as the main theme of this session, given its importance and topicality, particularly in a world characterized by the disruption of reference points, and at times their outright loss. This underscores the necessity of deepening reflection around this fundamental theme, and methodically and calmly examining the current changes and their global repercussions, particularly in terms of family cohesion and social solidarity.

Undoubtedly, the Academy’s core mission is to consider the issue of values from every angle. Indeed, values are a structuring element of the common substratum of all human beings. By contributing to the solid foundation of identities, they enable the enhancement of cultural and linguistic pluralism, and contribute to the preservation of its theoretical and practical components through the cultivation of intellectual spirit and the promotion of open-mindedness to all cultures and civilizations.

For this reason, the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco has long aimed at achieving a “civilizational partnership” that surpasses differences and favors rapprochement, interaction, and understanding, while remaining receptive to the latest scientific and intellectual developments and embracing an unwavering commitment to universal values and principles.

May Allah assist you, guide your path, and bless your work with success.

Wassalamou alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakatouh.”

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